Michael Hosang 4 School Board

*Paid for and Endorsed by Hosang4SchoolBoard*

Inspiring Change:

Common Sense in Uncommon Times

After the School Board refused to make its own decision as to how to reopen our school system in the fall of 2021, I started attending School Board meetings, speaking out on behalf of students, parents, and voters.  I believe that parents and voters should have the ultimate say in how our children and future leaders are taught in school, not bureaucrats who are only trying to win the next election.  As a father of two children who have and are going through the Williamsburg James City County School system, I believe I can put common sense back into our current, uncommon school system.  Please join me in this endeavor. 

*This ad was paid for and Endorsed by Hosang4SchoolBoard

Response to Facebook Group's Attack on My Campaign

Recently, a Facebook page named ‘WJCC Parents & Teachers Supporting Public Education’ posted a false/fake submission regarding my candidacy.  I wanted to set the record straight in the event any of you saw it as to actually what my stance is on their false claims.


1. LIE - “Falsely Claims WJCC Schools Teaches Critical Race Theory”

TRUTH – I pointed the School Board to a 30-minute WJCC school system video detailing how to teach CRT curriculum under the guise of SEL in our schools.


Actual Stance:  In comments to the School Board, I stated that Critical Race Theory (CRT), Social Emotional Learning (SEL), or whatever the current catch-phrase that those supporting this method of teaching, was being taught in our schools, contrary to what the Superintendent or others in the school system were saying.  I backed this up by advising the School Board that the school system put out a 30-minute video, narrated by 3 WJCC staff, espousing how teachers can and do use SEL in their classrooms.  This video was created in October 2021 though the Superintendent and others in the school system were falsely telling the School Board that it wasn’t being used in the classrooms. 


If it wasn’t being used in the classrooms, then why did the school system need to produce this video supporting this method?  Thus, my comments were accurate and the WJCC Parents & Teachers Supporting Public Education want to hide what is really happening in our schools in order to indoctrinate our children.  I will not stand for this as a School Board member. 


Here is the link to the actual 30-minute video and my presentation to the School Board from April 19, 2022, Minute 45:19:  https://youtu.be/n_nNhQJ8jG0 and https://youtube.com/live/EtxNxEol9NA?si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE&t=2706


2.  LIE - “Publicly Targeted a Warhill Hight School Teacher for Supporting LGBTQ+ Students”

TRUTH – Spoke out against WJCC teachers politicizing our public-school classrooms, anonymously citing a teacher who refused to remove a gay pride flag displayed in their class room despite multiple student complaints.


Actual Stance:  I did not publicly target a Warhill High School teacher as I never used the teacher’s name in any presentation to the School Board.  I targeted a gay pride flag that a teacher had up in their classroom which they refused to remove after several students from different classes asked the teacher to remove it as they did not agree with it hanging in their classroom.  The teacher never told the students that it was in support of LGBTQ+ students, but even if they had, this teacher was not being inclusive or caring to all students. 


Such a flag has no place in a public-school classroom; only the United States flag and Virginia flag should be hanging in a classroom year-round.  If the gay pride flag is used as a prop for a day when that history is taught, that is fine.  But to hang up this flag year-round is not appropriate for any public-school classroom and I will do all I can to ensure that our public schools do not force an agenda on our students. 


See actual School Board presentation from September 20, 2022, minute 21:15:  https://youtube.com/live/VyZ50mUsyD4?si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE&t=1275


3.  LIE - “Does not Support Essential Raises for WJCC Employees”

TRUTH – Opposes WJCC School Board members demanding unreasonable budgetary increases at the expense of WJCC residents and taxpayers.


Actual Stance:  I have no idea where this statement comes from as I have never spoken out against raises for employees.  If asked, I would state that having a father who was a teacher for 35 years and several family members who were also teachers/school administrators, so I understand the need to properly pay our teachers, bus drivers, and school staff a proper salary.  I do, however, have an issue with certain school administrators receiving raises at the expense of our teachers. 


I did speak out against certain School Board members, who for months worked with the school administration to come up with a budget to be presented to the Board of Supervisors.  However, at the last moment, some of the School Board members changed their mind and asked for a 2% higher raise for school employees than what they had told the administration that they were happy with.  The School Board looked foolish in raising the figure at the last minute, which was not based on any data beyond their ‘let’s ask for this and see what the Board of Supervisors’ say notion. 


The School Board needs to have a backbone and be ready to take a stand on what they desire based on facts/information, and not changing their minds at the last minute just to see what the Board of Supervisors would say (after the Board of Supervisors had previously told them that the lower % raise was even too high).  This is not a way to run the school system.   


See actual comments to School Board from March 21, 2023 at minute 13:53:  https://youtu.be/kggQvJtq4c8?list=PLBFMqxZ3V_MwpIDQ1bSQrj1BPtmcRBkS_&t=833


4.  LIE - “Supports Banning Books from Libraries and Classrooms that Don’t fit Into His Worldview”

TRUTH – Opposes pornographic material in the WJCC libraries and classrooms.


Actual Stance:  I do not want to ban books that fit my worldview. I do, however, want to remove books from our school libraries that are meant to indoctrinate our students with pornography and other perverse matters.  I read excerpts from a book twice to the School Board and asked if that book was appropriate for students to take out of our school libraries.  The material I read was clearly pornographic which made me blush while even reading it to adults, for example: “One second, he was in my mouth, my tongue flicking over the broad head of him...he nudged by legs apart with his knees…before he sheathed himself deep in me with a single stroke.” 


If parents want their children exposed to these types of materials, they can easily purchase them for their children or check out the books from the public libraries, but these books should not be accessible to our children, in schools, without parental approval.  There is no literary value for these books beyond indoctrinating our children.  It would be interesting to see the arguments from this Facebook group as to why, in their opinion, these types of books are appropriate to be in schools.   


Presentations to the School Board on June 7, 2022 at 13:14 and November 15, 2022 at 1:06:23:  https://youtube.com/live/bSfHEcEDJ48?si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE&t=791 and https://youtube.com/live/-AAcmiIR-Xk?si=EnSIkaIECMiOmarE&t=3971


5.  LIE - “Refused to Answer Our Group’s Questionnaire Claiming He was not Seeking Endorsements but Continued to Meet with Partisan Groups”

TRUTH – Refused THEIR endorsement due to the blatantly partisan nature of their questions.


Actual Stance:  In deciding to run for the School Board, I decided that I am only interested in endorsements from groups who have the best interests of our children at heart.  Any group whose primary goal is to politicize and sexualize our public schools can keep their endorsements, because I do not want them.  My integrity and values are more important to me than pandering to any special interest group seeking their own agenda and not that of our children.


The WJCC Parents & Teachers Supporting Public Education asked me to answer several, blatantly biased questions in order to receive their endorsement.  As their comment states, I did not answer their questions since I was not seeking their endorsement.  If I am not seeking an endorsement, why should I be forced to answer any questions, period, and especially ones which are so biased? 


While I have presented my qualifications and beliefs to one or two groups, these groups simply asked me to come speak to them about my campaign and had no preconceived notion about my stances or asked me to answer biased questions as a precondition of talking to them.  I have not sought any endorsements from any group I have spoken to.  


It appears that this Facebook group already had information on me and tried to catch me changing my stance to them if I decided to respond to their questions.  They didn’t like the fact that I refused to play their game, so they in return had to succumb to twisting what I said to the School Board, name-calling, and giving me an ‘F’ in their writeup.  Since I refused to even entertain their questions, they had to resort to distortions and lies in order to attack me.  This should tell you all you need to know about this group, what they stand for, and who they support.


I refuse to be bullied by this group and will not back down (unlike several members of the current School Board when they changed their mind regarding employee raises at the last moment).  While I didn’t need to respond to this attack, I wanted to set the record straight and provide you with the actual facts of what I said and not the distortions of a group only looking to smear me in the voters’ eyes. 


With God, I can do anything, so I ask that you pray for me in my campaign, vote for me if you live in the Stonehouse District, and support me with any assistance or donations you can (https://secure.anedot.com/hosang4schoolboard/donate).  With your help, we can get WJCC back on track in teaching our students to be productive members of society who will be our leaders in the near future.

My Causes

The 3 tiers I plan to work on

Power to the Parents

For too long, parents have not had the power to make final decisions in their children's education.  As a start, parents should have the ability to opt-in to certain instruction and not be forced to have to opt-out.

Voice to the Voters

On numerous issues, the School Board ignores voters who either are not teachers or still have children in the school system.  Besides paying taxes that supports our schools, voters have an vested interest in how and what children, our future leaders, are taught.  They should not be silenced by the School Board.

Accountability of the School Board

When issues are raised to the School Board, they should not pass the issue to school principals, school administration, or employees.  They should assume responsibility, command the issue, and make the decisions they were elected to make.